To enable you make an informed decision about the next steps in your case, we give an initial free 10 minutes advice on the telephone or at our offices.
This initial objective advice may be the difference between you losing or succeeding in your case. We can instantly advise you on your options and give you an honest assessment of your chances. We would not encourage you to proceed with a case unless we are satisfied that your chances are reasonable. Of course there are cases where clients may wish to proceed with a case even after they have been advised that the prospects of success are slim. In such situations, we shall advise you on the pros & cons of continuing with the case before we act on your instructions.
Our team is headed by Louisa Fotabe Nkohkwo. She has had over thirteen years of practice in all areas and levels of immigration. Her experience and knowledge gives us the ability to apply practicality to the law and achieve good results even where others have failed. Our strength is particularly tested in complex cases where all hopes have been dashed before being brought to us. The experience of clients shedding tears of joy is most satisfying.
If you wish to be one of the many who have stepped out of our offices with permanent smiles on their faces, contact Louisa on 079 4144 5969 or at Alternatively call our front desk on 0208 543 3938 or email us at
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